Recycled Carnation Pink Pencils in Cream Idea's Sleeve

Recycled Carnation Pink Pencils in Cream Idea's Sleeve
Categories: Art Supplies, Pencil
Brand: Etsy - Etsy (US)
Color: Pink
4.93 USD
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Pack of 3 Carnation Pink recycled pencils with gold embossing in our cream Idea’s sleeve. Pencils finished with a stunning gold embossed ‘idea’s’. The perfect gift for you or a friend, all our pencils are made in own pencil factory in Worcestershire from recycled CD cases. For every item sold we are giving a minimum 10% of the product sales price to education projects worldwide - supporting children affected by war & conflict, natural disasters & extreme poverty back in to school. (Product sales price is calculated as the pre tax retail price less shipping costs). Recycled Carnation Pink Pencils in Cream Idea’s Sleeve