Miniature Table, Chairs, Hand Painted Blue Table Strawberry Dishes & Floral Centerpiece Dollhouse Scale

Miniature Table, Chairs, Hand Painted Blue Table Strawberry Dishes & Floral Centerpiece Dollhouse Scale
Categories: Furniture, Chair
Brand: Etsy - Etsy (US)
Color: Blue
109.65 USD 129 USD
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This wood table & chairs have been painted with pale blue paint. It has a weathered look to it. White placemats, Strawberry embellished dishes & bowls make up the four placemats. Strawberry print napkins & silverware are also part of each place setting The centerpiece is a beautiful pitcher filled with tiny white flowers. All items are not glued down so they can be easily rearranged - The dishes are beautiful against the blue background. Table measures 6" long x 3" wide Dollhouse scale chairs & table Miniature Table, Chairs, Hand Painted Blue Table Strawberry Dishes & Floral Centerpiece Dollhouse Scale