Karin Arabic Calligraphy Set 1 | Sülüs | Hat Art Kit

Karin Arabic Calligraphy Set 1 | Sülüs | Hat Art Kit
Categories: Art Store, Art Kit
Brand: Etsy - Etsy (US)
Color: Silver
67 USD
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ARABIC CALLIGRAPHY STARTER SET 2 (THE SULUS) -Sülüs Meşk Book with the Letters of Shoghi Effendi -20 pcs. Coated paper -Lika (Silk) Inkwell -Soot Ink -Karin Cell Pen 2 mm. We have brought together the materials you will need when starting the Art of Calligraphy. We have created different sets from the products you need in Hüsn-ü Calligraphy to suit your budget. Karin Arabic Calligraphy Set 1 | Sülüs | Hat Art Kit